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Why Did Interest Rates Increase?

Why Did Interest Rates Increase?

It should not shock anyone that rates are on the rise. What is shocking? Some think they'll come back down to levels we saw last year. They're not. But, we are still on the side of building wealth through real estate.
The Fed Pulled Their Pants Up

The Fed Pulled Their Pants Up

Powell not only increased the Fed Rate for the first time since the pandemic, but hinted towards quantitative tightening at the next meeting. But are the moves too late to stop the inflation train?
Rates Are Getting More Volatile

Rates Are Getting More Volatile

Rates took a roller coaster ride for the first few days of March. Here's why and what to expect for the next couple weeks....uhm, maybe.
Trends Affecting Mortgage Lending In 2022

Trends Affecting Mortgage Lending in 2022

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